PDA Combination


PDA Combination from Nature’s Sunshine Products contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin for protein digestion. Helps body break down a meat-eater’s diet.

PDA Combination from Nature’s Sunshine Products contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin for protein digestion. Helps body break down a meat-eater’s diet.


  • Supports the digestive system
  • Contains hydrochloric acid, which helps the body digest protein,
  • Supplies pepsin for natural protein digestion
    180 CT
Protein Digestive Aid combines betaine hydrochloride and pepsin—a natural enzyme—to help your body break down a meat-eater’s diet.
PDA supplements the body’s digestive secretions with hydrochloric acid (HCl) and provides pepsin, a natural protein-digesting enzyme. The stomach manufactures hydrochloric acid to break down proteins. But, as people age, they may produce less HCl, which can affect the amount of protein they can break down and ultimately absorb. Inefficient protein digestion can affect the viability of the intestinal flora that feast on these compounds.

Pepsin is a powerful enzyme that breaks down proteins but only in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Our betaine hydrochloride is non-GMO and Kosher-certified to help you become a clean, mean, meat-digesting machine.


Prior to 1993, betaine hydrochloride was available over the counter as a digestive aid. But since then, it is only sold in supplement form. Traditional use includes tired blood, arterial support, low potassium levels, yeast imbalance, liver support and more. Betaine hydrochloride is also referred to simply as betaine. In 1836, Theodor Schwann discovered and named the enzyme pepsin (after the Greek word peptein, which means to digest). Pepsin is widely considered the first enzyme of animal origin to be discovered.

Ingredients: Betaine hydrochloric acid, pepsin.
Recommended Use: Take 1–4 capsules with a meal three times daily.

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