Sunflower Lecithin – Mental Exhaustion


Lecithin is historically used to dissolve fats deposits around eyes and throughout the body and cholesterol, clean arteries and veins, repair kidneys, insulate brain and nerves, restore reproductive fluids.

Lecithin is historically used to dissolve fat deposits around eyes and throughout the body and cholesterol, clean arteries and veins, repair kidneys, insulate brain and nerves, restore reproductive fluids.

Common Names: Sunflower Lecithin

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: (softgels 200 ct – 1040mg/serving-2 softgels)

Lecithin  is needed so the body can work.  A healthy normal liver with a good diet naturally makes Lecithin (less’-uh-thin).  Lecithin is a sticky yet slippery liquid that looks and feels like a cross between a medium heavy oil and a non-sweet syrup.  Lecithin dissolves fat into very tiny drops.  It also dissolves cholesterol into very tiny drops, then the body can use the fat and cholesterol as food and to make hormones.

When the cholesterol is dissolved into tiny drops it cannot build up into harmful, clogging deposits in the arteries and veins and other areas.  If you have no Lecithin, no usable cholesterol and no digestible fats then you have no hormones.

Lecithin is made from the liver from two of the B complex vitamins and other very common ingredients.  It is also vital to coat and insulate the nerves and brain to keep them from “shorting out.”

Lecithin is needed by every tiny living cell in the body as part of the covering around the cell.  It keeps the cell coverings (membranes) soft and able to use fats and cholesterol.  The liver and gall bladder demand Lecithin.  It keeps them from being congested.

Recommended Dosage:  Two or more capsules of lecithin, per day or as advised by your doctor or natural health care provider as a dietary supplement.

Information for Educational purposes only
Information for Educational purposes only
Sunflower Lecithin



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